Hi all,
Thank you to all those who attended our first meeting today!
We were really glad to see that so many of you are passionate about making a difference in the community and creating a positive impact in our world. We have a great year planned and hope that you guys are ready to take action to change our community and world for the better!
A couple of important things that were addressed in the meeting were: a change in bylaws, member communication platforms, and our upcoming events. For those of you that missed our first meeting, the meeting minutes will be below; thoroughly expanding on the topics mentioned above as well as other aspects of CSF.
What is CSF? - Sruthi
Give a short explanation of events, things we might do, things we want to do DIFFERENTLY this year
More organized, straightforward, personable, larger-school hosted events, etc.
Provide a few examples of what we are thinking of, not guaranteed though!
Still going to have a mini, outsourced event almost every weekend
Make sure that people understand application process
Explain the applications and application process (online!!)
Recognize that some people may not have received the confirmation - tell what went wrong
We are working to better it for next semester!
Ask if anyone has any general questions (not about their specific case/issue)
If anyone has specific questions about their confirmation/error in calculation, please come discuss with me towards the back corner of the gym
Social Media (Instagram, Facebook) + RemindMe + Website + Gmail - Shayan, Tinni, and Ekansh
RemindMe - Ekansh
Website, how to subscribe to blog for updates + sign ups
We are not sending general update emails from our Gmail account anymore! In order to get email updates, you must subscribe
Provide future for the website - Google Calendars with all the events + forms attached, spreadsheet with all of your events hopefully by January
Tinni - Instagram and Facebook
Poll for interest in a twitter account (quick raise of hands)
“If you have any questions, please feel free to email us!”
Change in CSF Bylaws + What is Required to Graduate in White
The board and advisers have decided to alter the requirements to receive a white gown for graduation. Please be aware of the changes if you would like to graduate in white.
However keep in mind that this change will not apply for CURRENT SENIORS. Current seniors MUST COMPLETE ONE EVENT IN SENIOR YEAR and maintain life membership in order to graduate in white!
Official members who are working towards the Life Member or Sealbearer Award are required by the statewide organization to maintain membership for four semesters from grades 10 through 12. At least one semester of membership must be completed by applying with senior year grades (i.e. applying in January or May of senior year). By completing this minimal requirement, a member will earn a CSF certificate, CSF life membership pin, and a honor stole - embroidered CSF to wear during graduation. However, in order to earn a white graduation gown (which is a separate privilege to attaining life membership), one must participate in 4 CSF-approved events over the course of grades 10 to 12. One of these events must be completed in senior year.
Shayan - Explain why there has been a change in bylaws.
This is an academic service club, so in order to be a life member you should complete both parts
Thus, the four events holds you accountable to the service part
Provides more clarity to Dublin CSF’s expectations from their members - an issue we dealt with last year
Announce T-Shirt Design - Ekansh
Pass around pictures of the designs, explain what it is composed of
Front: Official CSF Genie Lamp with DHS CSF on the lamp, Scholars for Service written around lamp
Back: California Scholarship Federation, Dublin High School, in the middle is the main components of the CSF logo broken down (lamp, open book, and bow)
Design will come in both a short sleeve shirt and a long sleeve shirt (TBA)
Will look great as we take group pics at events + Official Club picture later in the year
Prices: TBA, depending on how many people show interest
100% of the profits from the shirt sales are being donated to natural disaster relief
First main event, so make sure to participate
IF SOMEONE ASKS: does not count as an event
A RemindMe Text has just been send out with the interest form + design of shirt, so please fill it out if you are interested in a shirt! Form will close soon since we want T-shirts at least by the end of this semester.
Announce Events until Thanksgiving - Audrey
- Waiting until the weekend after Homecoming to start the cycle of events
First Event: 10/21/17 - Meals for Wheels Event
Sign up form has been sent out to previous email group, will be posted to IG and FB soon.
Has just been sent to all of the people on Remind
Mission: To assist seniors to maintain their independence by fundraising and providing financial support, community outreach and strategic assistance to Meals on Wheels programs in Alameda County that deliver nutritious meals and perform wellness checks.
10/25/17 - Philanthropic Clubs Roadshow
Sruthi will go into detail about this event later in the meeting
10/28/17 - 2017 Breath of Life Walk
As the local lung health leader, Breathe California of the Bay Area fights lung disease in all its forms and works with its communities to promote lung health. We envision a world that promotes healthy lungs and a healthy environment. We believe in leadership through passion, integrity, excellence, accountability, and fiscal/social responsibility.
Sign Ups to Come
Keep an eye out for the Glide Trip and Open Heart Kitchen collaborations!
11/3/17 - Tentative CSF Bonding Event, more details to come, so make sure to keep checking your socials for info
11/12/17 - Restoration Rangers @ Hayward
The Hayward shoreline is a vital part of San Francisco Bay’s ecosystem, and Restoration Rangers is a community service and citizen science program that promotes education and stewardship of the salt marsh. Learn about the incredible flora and fauna of the shoreline and “pull together” to remove invasive plants from the marsh.
Sign Ups to Come
Sometime between 11/12/17 and End of Thanksgiving Break - Glide Memorial Trip
Details TBA at next meeting/socials
Hopefully it's clear that you must be following us on some form of social media for information about events, so please make sure to do so!!!
Philanthropic Road Show (10/25/17) - Sruthi
Spiel about how the world won’t see us as DHS Hurricane Relief Club or DHS Fight against Illiteracy Club, rather they will see any club’s efforts as a part of DHS
Think about how much more we could give back to the community if we work together and give back to the community
Purpose of the Philanthropic Road Show → promote other service clubs around campus, providing them with a platform to garner more members + more hands to help out, creating connections with other clubs around campus to provide quality events
Details TBA based on interest + number of clubs that sign up, need to sign up by 10/13/17 for the board to plan out the event
May range from various booths for each club + members could spend time walking around and signing up for certain causes, or it might just be a speech for a minute or two about what each club is about
This event will be incorporated into our scheduled October meeting, so make sure to join us for updates about CSF + exploration into other organizations (it's one of our first school hosted, major events)!
If there are any clubs who are interested, please email us at dublinhighhcsf@gmail.com with the name of your organization and contact information of a rep for the club (Name, Position, Cell Phone #, email)